How to Prep Your Freezer for Postpartum with Healing Foods

I've witnessed firsthand the transformative power of postpartum freezer prep, both during my own transition into motherhood and while having the honor of supporting dozens of other moms on their journeys, too. It's not just about convenience; it's about nurturing your body during one of life's most demanding transitions.

Today, I'm excited to share some insights from the *free* Healing Postpartum Freezer Prep Guide, giving you a sneak peek into the world of postpartum nutrition and freezer stocking.

 Why postpartum freezer prep matters

Pregnancy is an extraordinary journey, but it undoubtedly places significant nutrient demands on your body. While being so focused on nurturing your little one, it's all too easy to overlook your own well-being. I get it!

However, prioritizing nutrition is essential for postpartum recovery and healing, whether you’re battling that relentless fatigue of those early days, supporting your mental well-being, or nurturing the beautiful journey of breastfeeding/chestfeeding.

That's where stocking your freezer with wholesome, nutrient-rich meals and snacks comes in. It's not just about saving time—it's a strategic move for your overall well-being. Having access to nourishing foods during the whirlwind of those initial weeks and months with a newborn can truly be a game-changer.

Understanding Postpartum Depletion

Have you heard of postnatal depletion? It's a term coined by Dr. Oscar Serrallach that describes something many moms experience - significant nutrient deficiencies due to the demands of pregnancy and birth. This depletion often leaves us feeling exhausted, drained, low energy, and struggling to regain strength.

You might feel this depletion in the early days of postpartum, or in the years to come. It can take years to be fully replete after your pregnancy and childbirth. 

But here's the good news - by prioritizing nutrition during the postpartum period, you can give your body the essential elements it needs to recover fully. And one simple way to do that? Preparing nourishing meals ahead of time ensures you’re getting the vital nutrients you need to heal and thrive!

5 nutrients for postpartum recovery

Protein: Essential for tissue repair and muscle recovery, protein-rich foods like chicken, beef, and lentils should feature prominently in postpartum meals right from day 1!

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Especially those found in salmon, sardines, and egg yolks, which are quality sources of the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, which may reduce the risk of and alleviate postpartum mood disorders.

Iron: High iron needs at the end of pregnancy and blood loss during childbirth can lead to iron deficiency anemia. Incorporating iron-rich foods like red meat, organ meats, lentils and beans can help replenish iron stores and support your postpartum energy levels. 

Calcium: Important for bone health and breastfeeding mothers, calcium-rich foods like dairy, tofu, and leafy greens should be included in postpartum meals.

Vitamin D: Sunlight exposure, along with incorporating salmon, eggs, and dairy all contribute to meeting your postpartum vitamin D needs. This is particularly crucial for addressingpostpartum mood disorders and providing essential support forbreastfeeding moms.


What are postpartum healing foods?

Postpartum healing foods are rich in the nutrients that are essential for your postpartum recovery, mood, and breastfeeding support (including the ones listed above!). 

Some nourishing examples are bone broth, salmon, eggs, and other nutrient powerhouses that you can include in your meals and snacks to aid in your postpartum journey.

For a list of 40 foods I recommend for the fourth trimester, download the Healing Postpartum Freezer Prep Guide!


Top 3 postpartum meals to freeze

  1. Warm, bone broth-based meals: Soups and stews packed with veggies and proteins provide hydration and essential nutrients, perfect for physical healing and nourishing your body postpartum.

  2. One-handed snacks: Energy balls, egg cups, and homemade muffins (like the chocolate lentil muffins from The Food Doula Cookbook) are convenient snacks that freeze well, offering quick bites between meals.

  3. Prepped Proteins: From bone-in chicken to seasoned ground beef, prepping proteins in advance streamlines meal preparation, ensuring you meet your postpartum protein needs effortlessly.

5 steps to filling your freezer for postpartum

Step 1: Schedule the time

Set aside dedicated time to stock your freezer, ideally during your 7th or 8th month of pregnancy. Whether it's a weekend marathon or spreading the tasks over several weeks by doubling up on your favourite meals, planning is key.

Step 2: Get reinforcements

Enlist the help of friends, family, or your partner to make freezer prep a collaborative effort. Not only does it lighten the load, but it also strengthens your support network during this transformative period.

Step 3: Make your plan

Outline which meals you'll prepare, how many servings you'll need, and create a comprehensive grocery list. Consider prepping ingredients in advance to streamline cooking days.

Want this plan done for you? You can find a full postpartum freezer prep meal plan (with recipes, grocery list, and an entire guide about how to eat in postpartum) in The Ultimate Postpartum Nutrition Guide.

Step 4: Inventory your storage tools

Invest in quality storage containers and freezer bags to preserve your meals effectively. Label each item with clear instructions for easy retrieval and consumption, minimizing postpartum confusion.

The absolute best way to freeze your portioned meals and snacks are these silicone Souper Cubes (Save 10% with my code fooddoula10).

Step 5: Prep your space and yourself

Ensure your kitchen is clean and organized before starting, and don't forget to prioritize comfort during your cooking sessions. Play your favorite tunes, slip into comfy attire, and celebrate your accomplishments afterward!

Take the Next Step with The Ultimate Postpartum Nutrition Guide

While this sneak peek provides valuable insights, there's so much more to explore in The Ultimate Postpartum Nutrition Guide. Dive deeper into postpartum nutrient needs, receive practical advice on how to eat well with a newborn, and access comprehensive meal plans and freezer-friendly recipes for postpartum and breastfeeding.

Remember, prioritizing your well-being during the postpartum period isn't selfish—it's essential for both you and your baby's health and happiness. Let's embrace this journey together and nourish ourselves from the inside out.

Download your free Healing Postpartum Freezer Prep Guide now to learn more!

Upgrade to The Ultimate Postpartum Nutrition Guide for comprehensive support!


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